While browsing through items on the freezer aisle, this product spoke to me. Being perpetually on a diet but not really sticking to it, this appealed to me because it says 1/2 the fat, 1/3 fewer calories.
I was hesitant to tell him about the "health feature" of this ice cream. My husband is usually skeptical of things that are "healthy", which reminds me of Peter Griffin eating Kix Cereal and liking it:
Peter: This Kix Cereal is good tasting.
Lois: And.... it's good for you!
Peter: Nyeh..! (shoving the cereal away)
Fortunately, he did not see the 1/2 the fat label which is somewhat concealed and blended nicely on the picture of the ice cream. Whew!
Verdict: I loved it!!! My husband did not turn into Peter Griffin and shove the ice cream so I'm thinking he loved it too.
In lieu of it having lesser calories and fat, I was expecting it to lose some creaminess and sweetness. Boy, was I wrong! It was really rich and creamy. I just loved its texture and the sweetness was just right. Half a cup (this was enough to satisfy my ice cream craving for the day) of Edy's Slow Churned Rich and Creamy Triple Cookie Fudge Sundae gave me 110 calories, and 25 calories from fat. Now, I compared it to a regular ice cream and it really has less calories and fat with the regular ice cream having 150 calories, and 60 calories from fat.
Having been satisfied with this find, this is now our go-to brand for ice cream. In fact, we already bought two, different flavors this time (we assume all of their flavors are yummy so we want to try all of them... more of that next time), and then we are thinking of trying the yogurt blends next. The Edys Slow Churned website lists all of the slow-churned flavors available out there, which is very helpful so we can plan our next healthy ice cream adventure.
True to their word -- "Have your ice cream and eat it too! All the taste, half the fat." Love it!
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