Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Corn dogs in a jffy

Back in the Philippines, we used to buy corn dogs in a stand inside Robinson's Mall.  The corn dogs are freshly made, batter and all. and they tasted divine.  My husband and I love corn dogs and he could devour at least 3 of these babies in one sitting.  We are not particularly fond of frozen microwaveable foods since it is riddled with preservatives, but when we saw this corn dog at the frozen aisle, we can't help but stare and be mesmerized.  Curiosity got the best of us and we felt compelled to buy it.  Verdict... it was delicious...

The corn dog out of the box.  There are 16 corn dogs in one box.

Heating instructions, nutritional facts for this tasty corn dog!

The hot dog inside tastes just right, not salty but tasty enough not to be overpowered by the corn bread.  I took a photo of the nutritional facts.  For people counting calories, I should tell you that there are 160 calories in one corn dog and even more especially when you dip them in ketchup, mayo and honey which my husband and I usually do.  I also took a picture of the cooking instructions.  As you can see, it is so easy to prepare.  Even kids can do it.  This snack is great for when you are famished and need to eat as soon as possible.  Just roughly a minute in the microwave and it's ready to eat.